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Amazing Grace beams in Ghana
Amazing Grace, by Michael Apted (Grande Bretagne)
rédigé par Francis Ameyibor
publié le 14/05/2007

Ghana, Accra would host the first beaming of the awarding winning film Amazing Grace in West Africa, a movie focusing on the life of anti-slavery pioneer, William Wilberforce at the National Theatre on May 18th at 1900 hours.
In 1797, there were 11 million African slaves. Most people found the practice acceptable. In the minority, however, was Wilberforce, an elected Member of Parliament who toiled for years to abolish slavery in Britain until it was finally abolished in 1807.
Fueled by his faith, the "Conscience of Parliament" persevered and made history. Now, on the 200th anniversary of the slave trade's abolition in Britain, comes a movie chronicling Wilberforce's fight.
The movie, Amazing Grace chronicles the struggles of Wilberforce and his colleagues in championing the cause against the British slave trade.
The movie, a narrative of the life of the once young politician turned radical God-centered Christian and how his deep spirituality helped to change the moral outlook of Britain.
The movie graphics Wilberforce's long and arduous campaign against the slave trade, which resulted in its eventual abolishing, which marked a turning point in British history as far as slave trade and slavery was concerned.
His crooked spine and near-blindness could not quench his zeal for the freedom of all people.
Similar to Chariots of Fire and Shadowlands in tone, Amazing Grace balances faith and filmmaking in a historical drama that depicts an ordinary Christian doing extraordinary things because of his beliefs.
For those unfamiliar with the lead character, Wilberforce was elected to British Parliament in the late 18th century at the age of 21. Some years after that, he underwent an experience that brought him back to the Christian faith-to the point where he was prepared to leave politics behind to fully devote his life to God as a clergyman or monk.
His friend from college (and future Prime Minister) William Pitt tries to convince Wilberforce to stay in Parliament because he's such a gifted orator, as seen in several debates on the floor.
Pitt asks, "Will you use your beautiful voice to praise the Lord or change the world?" To quote another character in the film, "We suggest you can do both."
The principled Wilberforce makes it clear early on that he is privately opposed to Britain's thriving slave trade, and several prominent abolitionists of the era (Thomas Clarkson, Olaudah Equiano) did their best to gain his support.
In this film, it is John Newton-a former slave ship captain and the author of the hymn "Amazing Grace"-that ultimately convinces his friend Wilberforce to take up the cause for reasons both moral and spiritual.
And so he does, but at what cost? The British abolitionists become the world's most vocal opponents to slavery, causing Wilberforce to lose popularity with many of his countrymen and colleagues.
Some even label him a seditionist-a serious accusation at the time with the newly established United States, an imminent French Revolution, and a mentally ill King George ruling England.
Which are precisely the reasons Clarkson suggests to Wilberforce that revolution may be the best way to instigate change.
It's enough to drive a crusader to sickness, as both Wilberforce's health and cause begin to fail about the same time.
We know how this story ends, but it's nonetheless compelling to watch the famed abolitionist's uphill battle to maintain his passion and fervor and see his calling through to the end of slavery-a worldwide blight on humankind that still goes on to this day.
The screenplay by Steven Knight (Dirty Pretty Things) succeeds in capturing the essence of Wilberforce and his accomplishments, never shying away from the man's faith but never making it the central component either-just as Eric Liddell's refusal to run on the Sabbath was vital but not paramount to Chariots of Fire.
Amazing Grace seems more honest because of such balance, and acclaimed director Michael Apted (whose previous credits include Coal Miner's Daughter, several documentaries, and a James Bond movie) succeeds in rendering the story with authenticity.
There's something to be said for a film that succeeds in making Parliamentary legislation suspenseful, even when you know the ultimate outcome. It also helps that chunks of the movie are told in flashback to add urgency and weight to the storytelling-a straight timeline would have been less interesting.
Some parts run a little dry, but the film avoids falling into a dull rut. Scenes of Wilberforce as politician are inspiring like a Capra film, yet tempered with scenes of Wilberforce the college buddy and family man-Christians will especially appreciate a scene where our protagonist spends time outside his home in quiet time with God.
Descriptions of the harsh conditions on a slave ship are quite sobering, and Newton's grief for past transgressions (and joyful response to God's grace) are especially touching.
There's also room for levity with charming quips from Pitt, Clarkson, and Fox, not to mention a sweetly handled romance in the form of Wilberforce's budding relationship with Barbara Spooner, who later became his wife. Their shared private joke is chuckle-worthy, as is their attempts to find a reason not to fall in love.
Wilberforce impresses his colleagues with an anti-slavery petition
Such qualities are expertly carried by an Oscar-worthy cast, which probably shouldn't be surprising with so many familiar British thespians involved.
Ioan Gruffudd (Fantastic Four) is an inspired choice as Wilberforce-charismatic, charming, yet bringing just the right amount of gravitas to the part.
It's nice to see Rufus Sewell (The Illusionist) play some of the comedic relief as Clarkson, after portraying the nemesis in so many films. Speaking of which, Ciaran Hinds (The Nativity Story) plays smug so well as Wilberforce's chief opponent.
And Michael Gambon (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) charms in the small part of Lord Fox. But it's the performance of Albert Finney (Erin Brokovich) as Newton that has most people buzzing-though he's only in two scenes, he's the movie's best (though long shot) chance for awards season next year.
The only thing missing here is the sort of inspired moviemaking that sets apart a landmark motion picture. Chariots of Fire had those scenes on the beach and an unforgettable score.
Amazing Grace has an impressive finale with a bagpipe band, but that's not enough. Like Shadowlands, it's played rather strait-laced and predictably, like a glorified Masterpiece Theater special on BBC or PBS.
That's primarily what keeps this movie from earning our highest rating, but it's certainly not enough to dampen a whole-hearted recommendation.
What's particularly interesting about Amazing Grace is that the abolition of slavery is the driving force behind it, yet the movie is more about one man's response to injustice-thus hopefully inspiring reactions of our own.
It's an example of how we're called to step out of our comfort zones, even when our words and actions are not easily embraced. It's a well-told cinematic example of a man who used his faith and God.

a special compilation by
Francis Ameyibor
with additional file from Christianity Today Movies

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