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Monica Wangu Wamwere - The Unbroken Spirit, by Jean Murago-Munene
The mistake of striking the son of a mother
rédigé par Francis Ameyibor
publié le 15/05/2011
Jane MURAGO-MUNENE, Kenyan filmmaker
Jane MURAGO-MUNENE, Kenyan filmmaker

Monica Wangu Wamwere - The Unbroken Spirit, is the reflection of an uneducated, fragile poor village woman, without arms and against all odds, forced by circumstance to embark on a crusade to fight the brutalities, exploitation and injustices of the powerful against the weak.

Monica Wangu Wamwere (Mama Koigi), the mother of Kenyan Nakuru politician Koigi wa Wamwere, due to the sons political stand went through mental, physical, psychological and social torture. "I cannot speak English, I don't even know how to count one, two, three but what I know, is how to use what God has given me," she said.

The documentary film directed by Jean Murago-Munene, Kenyan Filmmaker reveals the heart beat of a woman; qualified to be tagged; "the second struggle for freedom under independence by a mother," or the "Mistake of a regime to strike the son of a mother".
Like a wounded lion, Mama Koigi courageously stood in front of AK47, was defiant in front of hundreds of brutish
Security Officers and men, entered the domain of the powerful uninvited, lead peaceful demonstration with no weapon but the power of a mother's love for her children led a revolution for Kenya's emancipation.
The film brought to the fore, the resilience of a woman, the unsound rôle played by our mothers in providing security and protection, the unadulterated strength of a woman, the unflinching loyalty and support of a woman, as against the ills of power drunk men, and self-seeking politicians.
It also exposes the gullibility of some security personnel: "She bitterly recalled how a during police interrogation some officers wanted to know how many times her son, Koigi, had slept at the farm house, if he had brought any guests, who paid the family telephone bills and if there were guns hidden in the compound.
"I told them I knew nothing of Koigi's whereabouts or movements as I am the mother and not his wife and could not be expected to know.A man confides in his wife and not his mother".
The film affirms that determination conquers all and it's a call for the protection of independence, respect and adherence to the tents of multi-party democracy, good governance, integrity, and respect for fundamental human rights.


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